Frieda was super excited to become a coach. She had many certificates and credentials to showcase her expertise.
She did her homework and knew exactly who her target market and ideal client avatar were. She understood their dreams and challenges and was a great teacher. Frieda created courses and programs that she was one hundred percent sure would deliver results to her clients.
However, Frieda was terrified of giving away too much information. She was extremely careful not to share too much of her “secret sauce” while doing lives or writing content. Even when she spoke in public, she would share a lot of the “what” and was careful not to share any of the “how”.
She believed (as many have been taught) that if you share your steps to accomplish a certain outcome, you’ll never get clients, because you’ve already given them everything.
Actually, the opposite is true. Frieda’s fear of giving away too much information cost her countless clients, simply because they did not trust she could help them solve their problems.
Frieda struggled for years before giving up on her dream of being a successful coach.
Coaching is so much more than the information you share.
Don’t be a Fearful Frieda!
When it comes to sharing too much of your secret sauce, you can’t do that. However, you can share too much information in one short article, video, or post that will overwhelm people so they don’t take action. The trick is to simplify your steps and share action steps your community can take now to move them forward a step and give them hope that they can succeed.
For example, if I gave you ten ways to get visible and influence people today, you’d be overwhelmed, and probably not take any action. If I take one way and simplify it into a 15 to 30-minute actionable step, you’re more likely to take action and see a result.
Coaching is about getting clients results. Your clients do not hire you because of your steps or systems. They hire you because they…
- …trust you can help them achieve their big dream.
- …want someone to hold their hand during the journey.
- …want answers to their questions about their unique situation as they arise.
- …need someone to keep them accountable.
- …know that getting support from someone who’s been down the path they want to go down will get them there faster, with fewer hills to climb.
Yes, there will be people who can take your content, apply it themselves, and succeed. I believe that’s a good thing! When I was a divorce coach, a lady I never spoke with left the following message on my Facebook page.
“Thank you so much for everything that you do Cindy. I could’ve never gone through my divorce as easily as I did and could have certainly never created the happy life I am now living without your guidance.”
To be successful, go out there and share your information, tips, strategies, struggles, and triumphs in bite-sized pieces. Even if you shared your entire program, chances are that most people wouldn’t get each piece, and definitely would not get it laid out in the doable way you teach in your programs.
Start Giving!
Ask yourself, what is one thing I haven’t been sharing with my community out of fear of giving too much? Then share it with one action step they can take today.