Does the thought of writing a blog post scare the living daylights out of you?
Your mind goes blank and you think, “I don’t know how to write a blog post,” or “I don’t know what to write.”
Writing a blog post is a lot like having a conversation with your BFF. ~ Cindy J .#VisibilityWiz #OnlineVisibility Share on XYour ideal clients resonate with the way you converse and love you just like your BFF! You are simply sharing your ideas with them.
When talking, we usually don’t articulate a beginning, middle, and end. This is why writing a blog post can seem so daunting.
Here is an easy-peasy six-step process to Write a Winning Blog Post:
- Choose a topic
- List 3 to 5 points you want to share about that topic
- Elaborate on the points in step 2. Each point is one small paragraph (you’re writing the middle of your post first.)
- Write a compelling and inviting introduction to the post. (The first sentence should have your #1 keyword in it.) In this paragraph, you are summarizing what they will learn and why it is important.
- Write your closing paragraph. This is a short summary of the most important points you just discussed.
- End with a call to action. A call to action can be inviting them to download your free gift, to a discovery session, or a link to another article or social media platform
A rule of thumb to write a winning blog post is to have a minimum of 400 words and a maximum of 1,000. (though some people suggest 1,500 to 2,000 words for SEO – Most humans like shorter posts that are quick and easy to read. If you have that many words, consider making it two posts)
If you have writer’s block and cannot think of a single thing to write about, then I suggest that you go to Amazon, and search for a word related to your topic. Skim through the table of contents in 10 to 15 books, as this should give you a ton of ideas.
Compile a list of the winning blog post ideas to write that you come up with. Keep them handy for the next time you sit down to write a blog post.
Ideas to Write a Winning Blog Post:
- List 10 of your favorite quotes about a particular subject
- Begin with a quote, then explain what the quote means to you
- Create a list of the top 10 tips
- Debunk the top myths related to your topic
- Put a quote at top of the article, and then explain what that quote means to you – or how your clients can put it into action
- When clients ask you a question (especially on social media) that takes a bit to explain, answer it in a blog post, utilizing the question as the title. Then you can direct your social media people to the blog post
- Post a blurb from another website (giving credit by linking back to them of course) and then write down your thoughts on the subject
- Transcribe your Facebook Live or YouTube videos, polish it up a bit and you have an instant blog post
- Post a YouTube video, and then write down your thoughts on the subject. What you liked, disliked, agreed with, etc.
- Review a book on the subject
- Interview someone. Interviews can be verbal (then you’ll transcribe) or they can be written. Ask experts in the field if they would participate in a written interview, then send them a list of 3 to 10 questions. They answer and send it back. You polish it up a bit, format it, and presto!
- Share a story of how you overcame a particular challenge
- Share a success story of one of your clients
Here’s to your success!
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